Our intention was to discover what on earth are we supposed to be doing
We were buried in work, working day and night. We had a company for romantic relationships and ran 9 other projects. We were managing a project on a natural sustainable and modular home. With two of our friends we went on a hunt for a farm in Slovenia, to be able to live off the grid and do wild plant picking and healthy food workshops there. Together with Petra Skarja we created an online Life School for the young to exchange their life experience. We were about to launch a healthy fast food business. And all the while, we were renting out two properties for tourism.
Enlightenment in the middle of the night
We were done! We have invested so much energy and what do we have to show? Not much and no money. At 3 am we asked ourselves what would we do if money didn’t exist. We said we would just walk and walk, and meet people.
Next morning we wrote everything we do on a whiteboard. We thought about how to finish everything and just started to cross things off. Shortly after we closed down our company and ended our work on other projects. And amazingly money started to flow in.
We quit running after money
We knew we are going on this journey, no matter how much money there is. This caused money to start flowing in from all directions. Enough of it came that we repaid all our debts and managed to save a 1000€. We thought “if we spend 200 € a month, this will last for 3000 km”.
We were determined to let things develop naturally. To see what will we do naturally. Which is what actually happened. But first a few more words about our adventure, our hitchhike to Marseille in France, where we started walking towards Spain.
Our bed was the open skies
When we didn’t find Couchsurfers or other people to sleep with, we slept outside. We spent almost 14 nights sleeping outside in a sleeping bag, without a tent or a mattress. We found ourselves sleeping in a highway gas station, on a curve by the road, on wet concrete floor behind a bank. We spend two nights in a vineyard, one in an apple orchard and one in a pine forest floor. In Catalunya we slept on a private parking lot, under olive trees. The most unique place to sleep was on a children playground, under a slide. But soon the humidity and cold was too harsh for our summer sleeping bags. Luck seemed to follow us as we found an open courtyard to a youth centre. We couldn’t find anyone to ask for a bed and ended up sleeping on wooden benches under a roof, with shelter and open toilets with showers and electricity. God must really like us. Bet we are his favorite crazy guys.
For those who don’t know Couchurfing, it’s like Facebook. You create a profile and write things about you, and than you can host travelers for free or use it to stay with people. It’s about the cultural exchange, getting to know locals and getting new friends all over the world. The most precious experience.
We were afraid of being humiliated
The biggest problem for us when we wanted to sleep outside was how will we appear to people, how will the see us as and think of us. We felt like we are homeless, that we are dirty, unwanted, unworthy. Yet waking up the next day we felt powerful. We conquered another fear. We felt free. It was also one big reason we went on this walk, to conquer our fears.
Five stars for the hospitality
Most of the time we could sleep at people’s homes. Either through Couchsurfing or by asking people on the street. We stopped them and told them we are on a 3000 km walk and asked them if we can spend a night at their home, that we want to get to know people on the way. Some of them said no and others welcomed us. It was unusual at first but as we were treated with tea and a meal, we relaxed with each other and had an amazing time. It is unbelievable how somebody you asked for help starts apologizing for the toys on the bed you were about to sleep in.
Beggars or a gift from god
In the beginning it was awkward to ask people to sleep in their home or if they have any food to spare or to throw away. Many times we had thoughts of that we’re just someone who’s traveling for free, even though we knew this is not what our trip is about. We thought we would be humiliated and of course rejected. There is a saying in Catalan that “you already have a NO”. So if you ask, you at least have an opportunity to get a ‘YES’.
We noticed how energy doesn’t flow only in one direction, but goes both ways. We recognized that we contribute to people in many ways. We share and teach about healthy food, and also share our food. We bring nuts and fruits we gather in the wild. There’s always something to talk about. Like about our relationship or how Gregor got over his alcoholism, depression and being fat. About the supernatural abilities that Gregor experienced. We open their eyes so they see how they can be and do anything they want. It’s what we also use for our book we write.
We’re traveling without money now, so it also makes people express an act of kindness. The same way we want to give or contribute, and feel wonderful when we do it, the same opportunity opens up for them. It creates a moment of connection and gratefulness both ways. And people do really help us to continue our walk and continue our contribution to others. We are not just homeless people, we get that much.
Actually when you come to think about it, there is so little chance that a traveler like us will stop by and ask you for a roof over his head for the night, or for some spare vegetables and share their unique experience and say that they’ll be a part of your story in a book and later on in a movie. In Turkey, where we also traveled, they have a name for this – God’s guest. They are aware that a traveler brings experience and a perspective that may perhaps change your life.

3000 km Without Money – Gregor and Urska Kelt
What would you do if the biggest obstacle wouldn’t exist
As we walk, we do free presentations in schools, usually in English classes, about our trip and ask people questions about what would be possible for them if the biggest obstacle in life, like money, wouldn’t exist for them, what would they do. For us it was money but for them it can be all sorts of stuff like family, time or job.
To give out the best we have learned and continually use in our life, we created a workshop we now call Mighty me, with exercises to experience just how powerful we are as a human beings. We want to start doing this, as we absolutely enjoy being with people and making there eyes shine with amazement and joy of discovering new abilities and possibilities in their life.
How we handle money
On the 7th of November we started walking without money. Before that we were careful not to spend too much. We started with a 1000€ and after 2 months we got to 400€. This covered also old phone bills back home, rain ponchos and socks. Our average daily spending for food was 6,9€. That was for both of us.
Despite living a simple life, we spend money on mobile Internet that we use for looking at online maps. We use Google maps and Europe 3D app for hiking routs. We avoid the main roads and prefer going countryside. Mobile internet is also useful to post right when the action is happening. The post retains the energy of the moment this way. The money we have left will go for publishing our book, Internet and an absolute life threatening emergency.
Free vegetables and fruits
As we knew we would eventually run out of money, we started to look for alternative food sources. We found out there are local markets once or twice a week in almost every village and town. We go there around 2 pm when they start to close down and ask if they have anything to throw away. Some of them say no, some say to wait and come back when they are done closing down. We got whole crate of vegetables.
We also asked in the supermarket and the manager said they cannot give food which has expired. They are legally afraid as they are responsible if someone would get sick. So sometimes they put bleach over it. The trash containers are usually enclosed and possibly also under surveillance. What we figured out is that this is a problem that can be easily solved by just writing ‘At your own risk!’ on the containers. This means they would avoid costs for fences, bleach and their responsibility.
Small shops are the answer. If you go there, they are much more willing to help you out. We got good vegetables and once even a whole crate of pears. Getting bread at the bakery wasn’t hard as well. We asked for old bread and the lady gave us a fresh baguette.
What else is possible? We guess anything. If you have a story to share and have courage, you can survive easily.
How to manifest things out of thin air
Every time we walk and have a craving for something we start visualizing. We envision a certain fruit or nuts in our mind. We mentally ask for it to appear for us and then just let go for it to manifest however it needs to and whenever it needs to. We already feel thankful, trusting the universe will give it in one way or another. Even we didn’t get figs on the trees, like we imagined, we got them in the most delicious fig marmalade or ice cream. When we ask for it, it just appears, till now in the same day. We also got to sleep in an apartment for the whole weekend this way. Some other things we get in a few days. Like a free ride with a boat, or tickets to museum.
When visualization doesn’t work, it’s when we expect things to come to us in a particular way. This is when fear is present. If you are afraid what will happen if you don’t get it or you are attached to get it, you will pull it away from you. It is because when you feel a lack of something, it is like saying there isn’t enough. In universe, or on earth, it is quite the contrary. There is abundance. And with practice, you won’t have to believe it, you will know it.
25 km is the average
When we are not staying with someone, we walk about 25 km a day. It is the usual distance between towns. This is true for Catalunya. In France we were crazy. One day, when it rained during the night and we had nowhere to sleep, we walked 45 km. And a day before 35. Back then 35 was the average. We walked for three days and then we had to rest as our body was exhausted. We don’t speak French, we understand basic, and so we didn’t get to interact with people much as they don’t know English, the majority. We missed being with people. Luckily there is Couchsurfing and people who speak English. Staying with Couchurfers was extraordinary.
In Catalunya we emphasize being with people as we figured out is not about the kilometers but about the people we meet and get to know on the way. Also we are not rushing to a particular place, as the future is completely open. Where we end up is completely up to the people.
One amazing ability we picked up while walking is reading a book as we walk. It is a daily practice that keeps our spirit up. People are amazed at how we don’t trip while reading.
The conclusion
We started writing a book about our lives and all the abilities and possibilities we have as human beings. Gregor speaks about his supernatural experiences, how he got out of depression and alcoholism, being fat and lonely. The book continues to write about the crazy stuff we did together and about the unique experiences of the 3000 km on foot, traveling without money.
The message of our trip
Walk fearless! Don’t let anything stop you, not even money. Go after what calls you within your heart and brings you joy. And we know it’s hard when you are alone, trying to do what you love despite everything. So make sure you check out our website and follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wewalkfearless
Gregor and Urska Kelt
Wow!!! Not sure what to say, really. BUT yeah… whatever makes you happy, Just DO IT!!! Take care out there…. xoxo
Bravo! Just everything is possible 🙂 Keep on living your dreams and following your heart.